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Amanda Leigh Brown about access to justice: “revolves information, empowering and connection”

By Pablo Yannone Sancho, Journalist at GLTH

Amanda arrived in the legaltech world in a very particular way: law school. There she was introduced to the concept of access to justice, which is, indeed, the area within which she is an Advisor in the GLTH. From the first moment, she felt attracted to legal technology, especially in the U.S. It did not come as a surprise that she finally found an opportunity to be involved in that kind of project, turning from a “young lawyer into a legal technologist”.

Firstly, she was focused on the process of “understanding and designing technology solutions for access to justice problems, specifically”. After a fellowship period, she went back to her home state, Louisiana, where she took notice of all the work that had to be done to make a dent in the access to justice crisis there. 

What has Amanda been doing in Access to Justice?

"I believe Access to Justice is a discipline that is still not fully understood or well-defined”, says Amanda. “Part of my work, and the years I've spent specifically in Louisiana, has been trying to understand what “access to justice” really is, and building strategies, definitions, and frameworks around how we attempt to resolve it.”

After several years, Amanda has finally realized that, at least for her, and especially in the application of technology, access to justice revolves around three main aspects: “The first is ‘inform,’ which is all about creating accessible information that builds an understanding of legal issues, or more broadly, the challenges people face in society that might have legal implications or remedies.”

The second aspect is empowering: “this looks like the development of tools that empower people to take the next step on their legal journey”, notes Amanda. Inside of this pillar, she has been doing “systemic work and advocacy” in order to create an environment that supports the development of “instruments of empowerment that help people move forward and address legal issues that they have.”

The final aspect is “connect”, says Amanda, “this pillar focuses on connecting folks with service providers - actual people - that might be able to support them through the resolution of their legal problem.” 

Working to improve a reality: 80% to 90% of people in the U.S. are not getting sufficient help 

This alarming information was provided by the legal services corporation in the U.S. and reflects, according to Amanda, that “there's not enough human capacity to address all the justice needs of people in the U.S.” The ability for all people to have an “attorney” is very far away from reality,  which highlights the importance of “building up a larger spectrum of services”. 

Looking to the future, a very important part of improving access to justice is to have a “cohesive strategy” about the activities that are helping to address this crisis. “We're on our way there”, says Amanda, “funders, even the government are taking more notice and taking the access to justice problem more seriously, as a way to lift up our society a bit more and stop the perpetuation of legal issues that can upend people’s lives.”

In this mission, Amanda and all those who want to spread the word of their concerns about access to justice, can always count on the GLTH. Amanda knows it very well as she underlines the helpful “global” aspect of our Association: “we get to see what other countries and jurisdictions are doing out there, which offers a fresh perspective. It's really easy to get consumed by the problem when you're thinking hyper-locally.”

A little bit about Amanda's background

Amanda's journey is a fascinating blend of her two childhood dreams: teaching and practicing law. From a young age, Amanda was drawn to the idea of being a teacher as she used to look up to her educators. However, by the time she reached high school, her interest shifted toward law. Interestingly, as she reflects on her career, she now recognizes that she embodies both professions -educating others and navigating the legal field- each day.

Recently, Amanda shared her passion for travel, recounting a memorable trip to the Italian Dolomites. In just a week, she walked an impressive 60 miles, reveling in the stunning landscapes and the unique cultural combination of Italy, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. She has a thoughtful nature that also is reflected in her particular taste for TV shows: she lightheartedly mentioned How It's Made, a documentary series that aligns with her methodical approach to problem-solving. She sees parallels between her work and the show, as both involve breaking down complex systems -whether it’s manufacturing a product or navigating legal challenges- into simpler, more manageable steps.

This mindset is central to Amanda’s philosophy on handling stress. Drawing from a stoic-inspired framework, she often asks herself two questions: “Can I change this situation?” If the answer is no, she lets it go. If the answer is yes, she takes action. This clear, pragmatic approach helps her tackle both personal and professional challenges with ease.

Amanda’s insights into legal technology reflect the same simplicity. She believes that many legal problems are routine and can be addressed with technology, leaving the more complex issues to professionals. In her view, this approach allows for a more efficient and accessible legal system -one that’s in line with her ultimate goal of improving access to justice.

In Amanda's world, whether she’s scaling mountains or simplifying legal processes, it’s clear that thoughtful, intentional actions make all the difference.

Executive Director, Lagniappe Law Lab



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